نمایش نسخه فارسی

Conference goals

Welcome to the first international conference on innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities (ICIMAH).The conference will be held on February 8, 2024, at the Axica Conference center in berlin, germany.

The theme of the conference is “Innovation for a Better Future: Challenges and Opportunities in Management, Accounting and Humanities”. The conference aims to bring together researchers, academics, practitioners, and students from various disciplines and fields of management, accounting and humanities, to share their latest findings and insights on innovation, growth and development in these domains. The conference also seeks to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and networking among participants from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds.

The conference will feature keynote speeches, plenary sessions, panel discussions, parallel sessions, workshops, poster presentations, and social events. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities, such as:

  • To provide a platform for researchers, academics, practitioners, and students to share their latest findings and insights on innovation, growth and development in various fields of management, accounting and humanities.
  • To foster interdisciplinary collaboration and networking among participants from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds.
  • To showcase the best practices and success stories of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities from different regions and sectors.
  • To identify the current challenges and opportunities for innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities in the context of globalization, digitalization, sustainability, and social responsibility.
  • To explore the emerging trends and future directions of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities in the light of technological advancements, environmental changes, and societal needs.
  • To enhance the skills and competencies of participants in applying innovative methods, tools, and techniques for solving problems and creating value in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To stimulate critical thinking and creative thinking among participants in addressing complex and dynamic issues in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To inspire participants to pursue excellence and innovation in their academic and professional endeavors in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To recognize and reward the outstanding contributions and achievements of participants in the field of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To generate new knowledge and insights that can advance the theory and practice of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To disseminate the results and outcomes of the conference to a wider audience through publications, media, social networks, etc.
  • To establish long-term partnerships and collaborations among participants, organizers, sponsors, supporters, and stakeholders of the conference.
  • To create a positive impact on the society and the environment through the application of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities.
  • To enhance the reputation and visibility of the host institution(s) as a leader and innovator in management, accounting and humanities education and research.
  • To provide a memorable and enjoyable experience for participants during the conference.