نمایش نسخه فارسی

Distinctive features of the 3rd Conference


Some of the conference programs are:

  • Keynote speeches: The conference could invite renowned experts and scholars in the field of innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities to deliver keynote speeches on the main theme and sub-themes of the conference. The keynote speakers could share their insights, experiences, and visions on the current and future issues and challenges in these domains. The keynote speeches could also inspire and motivate the participants to pursue excellence and innovation in their academic and professional endeavors.
  • Plenary sessions: The conference could organize plenary sessions on specific topics or issues related to innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. The plenary sessions could feature panel discussions, debates, interviews, or presentations by invited speakers, moderators, or panelists. The plenary sessions could provide an opportunity for participants to interact with the speakers, moderators, or panelists, and to exchange their views and opinions on the topics or issues.
  • Parallel sessions: The conference could arrange parallel sessions for participants to present their research papers or abstracts on various topics or sub-themes of the conference. The parallel sessions could be divided into different tracks or streams according to the disciplines or fields of management, accounting and humanities. The parallel sessions could allow participants to showcase their research findings and insights, and to receive feedback and comments from other participants, session chairs, or discussants.
  • Workshops: The conference could offer workshops for participants to enhance their skills and competencies in applying innovative methods, tools, and techniques for solving problems and creating value in management, accounting and humanities. The workshops could be conducted by experienced trainers, facilitators, or instructors who could guide the participants through hands-on exercises, case studies, simulations, games, or demonstrations. The workshops could also enable participants to learn from each other and to collaborate with each other on specific tasks or projects.
  • Poster presentations: The conference could invite participants to display their research posters on innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. The poster presentations could be held in a designated area or hall where participants could view the posters and interact with the poster presenters. The poster presentations could also be accompanied by a poster competition where the best posters could be selected and awarded by a panel of judges.
  • Social events: The conference could organize social events for participants to network with each other and to enjoy the cultural attractions of Berlin. The social events could include a welcome reception, a gala dinner, a cultural night, a city tour, or a visit to historical sites or museums. The social events could also help participants to relax and have fun after a busy day of scientific activities.