نمایش نسخه فارسی

Target Groups and Audiences of the Conference

Target Groups and Audiences of the Conference:

  • Researchers and academics who are interested in innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. They could present their research papers or abstracts, attend the keynote speeches, plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and workshops, and learn from the latest findings and insights of other scholars and experts in these domains.
  • Practitioners and professionals who are involved in innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. They could share their best practices and success stories, participate in the panel discussions, debates, interviews, or presentations, and network with other participants from different regions and sectors.
  • Students who are studying or pursuing careers in management, accounting and humanities. They could display their research posters, join the poster competition, attend the workshops, and enhance their skills and competencies in applying innovative methods, tools, and techniques for solving problems and creating value in these fields.
  • Policy makers and decision makers who are responsible for innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. They could listen to the keynote speeches, plenary sessions, panel discussions, debates, interviews, or presentations, and gain insights into the current and future issues and challenges in these domains.
  • Media representatives and journalists who are interested in covering innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. They could report on the conference proceedings or outcomes, interview the keynote speakers, invited speakers, moderators, panelists, or participants, and disseminate the results and impacts of the conference to a wider audience.
  • Sponsors and supporters who are interested in promoting innovation, growth and development in management, accounting and humanities. They could provide financial or material support for the conference organization or activities, display their products or services at the conference venue or website [here], or collaborate with the organizers or participants on specific projects or initiatives.